Thule Challenge

This is a brand new team competition that incorporates all three disciplines on offer at the FNB Drak Adventure Weekend.  A team will be made up of a cyclist, a trail runner and a paddler – see below for categories.

The winning team will be for the fastest combined time once all three team members’ finish times are added together.

Enter here before 4pm on 31 January.

[caldera_form id=”CF5e299d763db3f”]

The categories are:


Fastest Male Team in the full distance Trail, Cycle and the Paddle events.
Fastest Female Team in the full distance Trail, Cycle and Paddle events.
Fastest Mixed Team in the full distance Trail, Cycle and Paddle events.


Fastest Male Team in the short distance Trail, Cycle and the normal Paddle events.
Fastest Female Team in the short distance Trail, Cycle and the normal Paddle events.
Fastest Mixed Team in the short distance Trail, Cycle and the normal Paddle events.

To qualify as a Mixed Team, the Team must consist of at least one (1) member of the opposite gender.

NB: If the cyclist is part of a MTB team the team time will be taken thus ensuring that MTB riders still finish together.

Ride, Run and Paddle with purpose when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must, just never drop out!