Race Rules:
1. The race is for K1 canoes which conform in all ways to CSA specifications. Racing rules are those of CSA as well as the local rules applicable on the day. K2 entries are also accepted.
2. All advertising must be in accordance with CSA rules.
3. The race committee’s decision will be final & the club, or the committee, accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury, or death resulting from the race. The race committee has the authority to cancel the race or change the venue should conditions justify it, and to enforce the wearing of helmets and life jackets. Their decision will be final. In the event of the race being cancelled, no refunds will be made. The organisers warn that details are subject to change at short notice subject to conditions.
4. Competitors must obey all instructions from the race marshals. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
Race Information
When, Where & Course
NOTE 1: This is subject to change due to river conditions. The onus is on entrants to check latest course information at race registration.
NOTE 2: The course is different to previous years.
Day 1 – Saturday, 8am Start at Swartberg Bridge to Hopewell Farm, 39km. Depending on water conditions certain weirs/rapids may be made compulsory portages.
Day 2 – Sunday, 7am Start at Castleburn Bridge to Swartberg bridge 26km, there are no compulsory portages.
In the event of a low level start the course will change.
Entry fees
Seniors: R1150
Juniors: R750
Normal entries close in mid January (TBC).
Late entry fee – additional R100 per paddle. Late entries close online at 11am on Friday, after which you can approach John Oliver at registration.
Charity Batch places cost R300 per paddle – this all goes to Pevensey Place.
Registration, race info & goody bags/race garments at Underberg Country Club on Friday, 26 January from 14h00 to 20h00. Paddlers who do not register on Friday must go straight to start of the race and will be checked in at the boat pounds. Goody bags must then be collected at Underberg Country Club on Saturday 25 January between 15h00 to 17h00 only. Goody bags/race garments cannot be collected on Sunday.
Where to stay
Camping is at Khotso Horse Trails. See more here. Accommodation is available on Friday, 24 January and Saturday, 25 February 2023.
Contact: info@khotso.co.za to make a booking. Check their website at www.khotso.co.za.
All funds raised from accommodation and catering are used for the benefit of Underberg School.
This will take place at Race finish Swartberg Road Bridge at 12h00. Prizes predominantly for K1 paddlers. Lucky draw for K1 at end of prize-giving (you have to be there to win). Race memento for all finishers.
General enquiries: info@drak.co.za